Taking the first step

Well, I have taken the plunge. Yep, that is correct! I am walking! Nothing new there, I walk on a somewhat regular basis. However, I was presented with a walking opportunity in which I have asked others to join me. So now I am asking you. Can I tell you a story? Great!  About 6 years ago, my 5th grand child was being born. Every one is excited when that happens! What we didn’t realize was that he was early. Being early he had to go into NICU for help. That was a very new experience for me and my daughter in law and son. Needless to say 6 years later, Micah is doing well.

Back to the walking part… there is an organization that I didn’t know much about until about two weeks ago. March of Dimes. I started learning about this organization. They have a March for Babies on April 26. I will be there. That said I am raising $250 as my goal. Small to start with I realize, but I believe that I will receive that and more ~ with your help! I am learning that I am NOT an island. Asking for help is a humbling experience for me. Why, because like many people, people have let me down. However, that doesn’t stop me from reaching out to YOU. No amount is too small.

You can donate at: http://www.marchforbabies.org/cathemyers

I thank you in advance for your generosity. If you would like to be a part of my team, I would love to have you. You can sign up at the same link. For the moms and children of premies – we say thank you! IMG_0271

A Good Book to Read

 Today, my grandson has turned 5. I am so proud of him. He has had to overcome some challenges. He told me today that he could spell his name and he did it with no hesitation or problem. He can count to 10. He is going to color me a picture to put on my refrigerator. I remember when my children were growing up. There were definitely challenges in their comprehension in reading. Most of our children were slow readers. At the time they were growing up, I didn’t have the luxury of looking online for advice about what I could do to help my children along. Thankfully, I had a mother-in-law who was a teacher. I had friends who were educators as well. From them I gleaned information that I can read about now. In our society of technology as wonderful as it is, I am thankful I had people to converse with. To share my concerns with and to have the support to try new things. One thing I did was to read to our children at night. The TV didn’t come on and there was no electronic devices to keep them from being otherwise occupied. We journeyed together through The Arabian Nights, Uncle Arthur’s Devotional Stories, Little House on the Prairie, Nancy Drew, The Hardy Boys and Dinosaurs. We followed Jo of Little Women. We boarded pirate ships and set sail to find the sunken treasure. We fell in love with Clifford, the Big Red Dog and Morris the Moose. I would have them read to me as well. Sometimes it was a struggle, but they made it through. We would act out the stories as we read them. Our living room was transformed into King Arthur’s court, a fort to which the Indians couldn’t get in or a tree fort where you had to know the secret password. 

Some would say that I am old-fashioned. These are the memories I carry in my heart.  My grandchildren enjoy when I read to them even if it is over the internet. You see they live a distance away from me. I have even thought of recording some of the stories and sending them it so they can hear my voice and play it just before bed time so we can go on an adventure together. That would be lovely. 

I have wished my grandson a Happy Birthday and asked his mom to give him hugs for us. Now it is time to read with my better half. Can’t wait to see what adventure we will be having as we delve into another good book. 

Time Marches On




This little one just turned 4 years old today! I understand he shares Elvis’ birthday. I was at his birth! He is my grandson. My daughter-in-law was wondering where the time went. I ask my self that a lot. However, I do know where time goes. It flies. But more importantly we are each given  24 hours to make a difference in someone’s life. I continue to learn how to make the most of the time in this 24 hour period. I have read different view points on how to manage time. I find that if I manage myself, time takes care of itself. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ELIJAH! Marmie loves you!