A New Year

Wow, just a year ago, life was on a continuum. We had a pandemic already in motion (flu in my state) when another took its place (COVID). Panic, fear and the unknown hit many of us like a freight train running off its tracks! Each week we were inundated with confusing information. No one could make sense of what was really happening! We were quarantined. We were told to wash hands and wear masks. Distance ourselves. A raid on toilet paper and cleaning supplies. Markets could not keep up. Some had to reinvent themselves.

Somehow, the seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks and months continued to come. With each passing day, hopes for the new year to hurry started showing up in almost every social media outlet.

What is the real expectation? January 1, 2021. Life will continue as it has been. Many are hoping to get back some normalcy to their lives. Businesses looking to have a new normal – work from home. Schools are in a groove until the end of the school year.

This year like every year is a new opportunity. This year has endless possibilities. My plans for this year will be flexible enough to change with the tide. Ebbs and flows – in and out….how about you?